Har aldrig vart något riktigt kakmonster då jag alltid har tyckt att kakor är ganska tråkiga då de oftast smakar ganska lika. Tycker att det alltid är gjord av samma bas, är nästan alltid mördeg som man sen tillsätter diverse saker på.
Men nyligen märkte jag att detta inte var sant, utan det finns en hel värld av kakor som man kan göra, så tänkte passa på och dela med mig ett recept som jag personligen tycker är jätte god. Har inget riktigt namn på denna kaka så kallade den efter vad den smaka.
125g rumstemp. smör/margarin
2½ dl mjuk farinsocker
½ dl mörk sirap
1st ägg
5½ dl vetemjöl
1 ½ tsk bikarbonat
1 ½ tsk malen ingefära (eller 1 tsk färsk riven ingefära)
1½ tsk kanel ( eller 2 tsk om man tycker om kanel)
Rivet skal från 2 st apelsiner
½ dl strösocker
Blanda smör, socker och apelsinskal ( om du använder färsk ingefära så blandar du i det) till en smet. Tillsätt sirap och ägg och blanda ihop.
Blanda alla torra ingredienser och sila ner i smörblandningen (bäst om du blandar ner mjölblandningen i omgångar). Rör om tills degen är slät och låt stå i kylen i 1 timme.
Sätt ungen 200°C
Rulla degen till små bollar som är ca 3-4 cm i diameter rulla sedan dessa bollar i strösockret
Lägg bollarna på en plåt med bakplåts papper och platta till dem en aning ( inte helt platta dem ska fortfarande vara ganska så runda) tänk på att inte ha bollarna allt för nära då de sväller.
Grädda mitt i ugnen i ca 10-12 min. Låt svala på galler
Sen är det bara att njuta!
Have never been a real fans of cookie because I have always thought that cookies are pretty boring because they usually taste quite similar. Think it is always made of the same base but then you add various things on it.
But recently I noticed that this was not true, there's a whole world of cookies out there that you can make, so I thought to take the opportunity and share with you a recipe that I personally think is really good. Have no real name for this cake called it for what it taste like.
125g room temp. butter / margarine
250ml soft brown sugar
50ml dark syrup
1piece egg
550ml flour
1 ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 ½ tsp ground ginger (or 1 tsp fresh grated ginger)
1 ½ tsp cinnamon (or 2 tsp if you like cinnamon)
Grated zest of 2 oranges
50 ml granulated sugar
Mix butter, sugar and orange zest (if using fresh ginger add it into the mix as well) to a paste. Add the syrup and egg and mix together.
Mix all dry ingredients and strain into butter paste (best if you mix the flour mixture in batches). Stir until the dough is smooth and let stand in refrigerator for 1 hour.
Put the oven 200°C (392°F)
Roll the dough into small balls that are about 3-4 cm in diameter, then roll these balls in granulated sugar
Place the balls on a baking sheet with baking paper and flatten them slightly (not completely flat it will still be quite so round) be careful not to have balls too close since they swell.
Bake in the middle of the oven for about 10-12 minutes. Let cool on a rack
Then it's just to enjoy!
Have never been a real fans of cookie because I have always thought that cookies are pretty boring because they usually taste quite similar. Think it is always made of the same base but then you add various things on it.
But recently I noticed that this was not true, there's a whole world of cookies out there that you can make, so I thought to take the opportunity and share with you a recipe that I personally think is really good. Have no real name for this cake called it for what it taste like.
125g room temp. butter / margarine
250ml soft brown sugar
50ml dark syrup
1piece egg
550ml flour
1 ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 ½ tsp ground ginger (or 1 tsp fresh grated ginger)
1 ½ tsp cinnamon (or 2 tsp if you like cinnamon)
Grated zest of 2 oranges
50 ml granulated sugar
Mix butter, sugar and orange zest (if using fresh ginger add it into the mix as well) to a paste. Add the syrup and egg and mix together.
Mix all dry ingredients and strain into butter paste (best if you mix the flour mixture in batches). Stir until the dough is smooth and let stand in refrigerator for 1 hour.
Put the oven 200°C (392°F)
Roll the dough into small balls that are about 3-4 cm in diameter, then roll these balls in granulated sugar
Place the balls on a baking sheet with baking paper and flatten them slightly (not completely flat it will still be quite so round) be careful not to have balls too close since they swell.
Bake in the middle of the oven for about 10-12 minutes. Let cool on a rack
Then it's just to enjoy!
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